TrimInfo contains the part choices and body choices for the Car Trim.
- TrimInfo.ActiveCooling
- Name
- ActiveAero_None_Name
- ActiveAero_Cooling_Name
- Name
- TrimInfo.ActiveWing
- Name
- ActiveAero_None_Name
- ActiveAero_Wing_Name
- Name
- TrimInfo.Assists
- Name
- DriveAssist_None_Name
- DriveAssist_TractionPackage1_Name
- DriveAssist_TractionPackage2_Name
- DriveAssist_TractionPackage3_Name
- DriveAssist_TractionPackage4_Name
- HasABS (boolean)
- HasTCS (boolean)
- HasESP (boolean)
- HasLC (boolean)
- Name
- TrimInfo.Brakes.Front
- BrakeForce (numeric)
- Diameter (numeric)
- TrimInfo.Brakes.Front.Calipers
- Name
- BrakeCaliper_1Piston_Name
- BrakeCaliper_2Piston_Name
- BrakeCaliper_3Piston_Name
- BrakeCaliper_4Piston_Name
- BrakeCaliper_6Piston_Name
- PistonCount (numeric)
- Area (numeric)
- Name
- TrimInfo.Brakes.Front.Discs
- Name
- Brake_Drum_Name
- Brake_TwinLeadingDrum_Name
- BrakeDisc_Solid_Name
- BrakeDisc_Vented_Name
- BrakeDisc_CarCeramic_Name
- CoolingFactor (numeric)
- HCFactor (numeric)
- Name
- TrimInfo.Brakes.Rear
- Same as Front
- TrimInfo.CachedSuspension
- CaseA (table) - Suspension Travel Info - 75kg Cabin Weight (Driver)
- CaseB (table) - Suspension Travel Info - 150kg Cabin Weight, (2 People), 30kg Cargo
- CaseC (table) - Suspension Travel Info - 300kg Cabin Weight (4 people), 60 kg Cargo
- CaseD (table) - Suspension Travel Info - 900kg Cabin Weight, Calculated Remaining cargo weight, that suspension travel allows
- CaseE (table) - Suspension Travel Info - 75kg Cabin Weight (Driver) + CaseD Cargo Weight
- Case Breakdown (all numeric)
- BottomOut
- ExtraLoadCap
- FrontBumpTravel
- FrontCriticalDampingRate
- FrontDampingRate
- FrontEpsilon
- FrontLoadCap
- FrontSpringFrequency
- FrontUnsprungToSprungRatio
- FrontWheelWeight
- RearBumpTravel
- RearCriticalDampingRate
- RearDampingRate
- RearEpsilon
- RearLoadCap
- RearSpringFrequency
- RearUnsprungToSprungRatio
- RearWheelWeight
- TotalWeight
- TravelRemainingFront
- TravelRemainingRear
- CachedWeights (table, all values numeric)
- ChassisWeight
- Entertainment
- PowerSteering
- Safety
- TotalWeight
- bottomWeight
- frontDisc
- frontDriveWeight
- frontRim
- frontTyre
- frontUnsprung
- frontWheel
- gearboxWeight
- interiorWeight
- rearDisc
- rearDriveWeight
- rearRim
- rearTyre
- rearUnsprung
- rearWheel
- sprung
- topWeight
- TrimInfo.ConvertibleType
- Name
- ConvertibleTypes_None_Name
- ConvertibleTypes_RemovableSoft_Name
- ConvertibleTypes_ManualSoft_Name
- ConvertibleTypes_AutomaticSoft_Name
- ConvertibleTypes_AutomaticAdv_Name
- ConvertibleTypes_RemovableHard_Name
- ConvertibleTypes_AutomaticHard_Name
- Name
- TrimInfo.Dampers
- Name
- Name
- Dampers_Passive_Name
- Dampers_Advanced_Name
- Dampers_Adaptive_Name
- Dampers_SemiActive_Name
- Name
- Name
- TrimInfo.EnginePoint (Engine Position, Crank Flywheel position)
- [0] X Position (Left, Right) [1] Y Position (Forward, Aft), [2] Z Position (Up, Down) [3] Rotation
- TrimInfo.Entertainment
- Name
- Entertain_None_Name
- Entertain_Luxury_AM_Name
- Entertain_Premium_AM_Name
- Entertain_Standard_AM_Name
- Entertain_Basic_AM_Name
- Entertain_Phonograph_Name
- Entertain_Luxury_8Track_Name
- Entertain_Premium_8Track_Name
- Entertain_Standard_8Track_Name
- Entertain_Basic_8Track_Name
- Entertain_Luxury_Cassette_Name
- Entertain_Premium_Cassette_Name
- Entertain_Standard_Cassette_Name
- Entertain_Basic_Cassette_Name
- Entertain_Luxury_CD_Name
- Entertain_Premium_CD_Name
- Entertain_Standard_CD_Name
- Entertain_Basic_CD_Name
- Entertain_Luxury_SatNav_Name
- Entertain_Premium_SatNav_Name
- Entertain_Luxury_Infotainment_Name
- Entertain_Premium_Infotainment_Name
- Entertain_Standard_Infotainment_Name
- Entertain_Basic_Infotainment_Name
- Entertain_Luxury_HUD_Name
- Entertain_Premium_HUD_Name
- Entertain_Standard_HUD_Name
- Entertain_Basic_HUD_Name
- Name
- TrimInfo.FrontRowSeats
- Name
- SeatOption_None_ShortName
- SeatOption_2Small_ShortName
- SeatOption_1_ShortName
- SeatOption_2_ShortName
- SeatOption_3_ShortName
- Name
- TrimInfo.Gearbox
- DiffRatio (numeric)
- Differential (table)
- Name
- Diff_Standard_Name
- Diff_Locker_Name
- Diff_AutoLocker_Name
- Diff_GearedLSD_Name
- Diff_ViscLSD_Name
- Diff_ElecLSD_Name
- Name
- DriveType (table)
- Name
- DriveType_TransFWD_Name
- DriveType_LongRWD_Name
- DriveType_LongFWD_Name
- DriveType_Trans4WD_Name
- DriveType_Long4WD_Name
- DriveType_Long4X4_Name
- Type
- Drive
- 4X4
- 2WD
- DrivenWheels
- Orientation
- Name
SpeedLimiter (numeric)
- Type (table)
- Name
- GearboxType_Auto_Name
- GearboxType_AutoAdv_Name
- GearboxType_Manual_Name
- GearboxType_Sequential_Name
- GearboxType_SequentialDblClutch_Name
- Type
- Automatic
- Manual
- Sequential
- Name
- GearChangeDelay (numeric)
- Type (table)
- TrimInfo.GearboxPoint (Gearbox Position, Crank Flywheel position)
[0] X Position (Left, Right) [1] Y Position (Forward, Aft), [2] Z Position (Up, Down)
- TrimInfo.Height (numeric) --- Body Height
- TrimInfo.InclinationFront (numeric) --- Front Wing/Aero Angle (0-1)
- TrimInfo.InclinationRear (numeric) --- RearWing/Aero Angle (0-1)
- TrimInfo.Interior
- Name
- Interior_Basic_Name
- Interior_Standard_Name
- Interior_Premium_Name
- Interior_SuperLight_Name
- Interior_Luxury_Name
- Interior_HandMade_Name
- TrimInfo.LowestPoint (numeric)
- TrimInfo.Name --- Vehicle name
- Name
- TrimInfo.PowerSteering
- Name
- DriveAssist_PowerSteer_None_Name
- DriveAssist_PowerSteer_Name
- DriveAssist_PowerSteer_Variable_Name
- DriveAssist_PowerSteer_Electric_Name
- HasPS (boolean)
- Name
- TrimInfo.Results (table)
- TrimInfo.RimMaterial
- Name
- RimMaterial_Steel_Name
- RimMaterial_Mag_Name
- RimMaterial_Alloy_Name
- RimMaterial_CF_Name
- Name
- TrimInfo.Safety
- Name
- Safety_None_Name
- Safety_None_Name
- Safety_Basic_x0s_Name
- Safety_Standard_x0s_Name
- Safety_Advanced_x0s_Name
- TrimInfo.SecondRowSeats -- See FirstRowSeats
- TrimInfo.Springs
- Name
- Springs_Passive_Name
- Springs_Progressive_Name
- Springs_Hydro_Name
- Springs_Air_Name
- Springs_ActiveSport_Name
- Springs_ActiveComfort_Name
- Name
- TrimInfo.SuspensionDetails
- Front (table)
- ARBFraction
- ARBStiffness [Nm/rad]
- Camber [degrees]
- CamberFraction
- DamperStiffness [Ns/m]
- DampersFraction
- Range
- SpringStiffness [N/m]
- SpringsFraction
- Rear (table) - Same as above
- RideHeight (numeric) [cm]
- SuspensionOffset (numeric) [cm]
- Front (table)
- TrimInfo.SwayBars
- Name
- SwayBars_Passive_Name
- SwayBars_SemiActive_Name
- SwayBars_Offroad_Name
- SwayBars_Active_Name
- Name
- TrimInfo.TargetPrice (numeric)
- TrimInfo.ThirdRowSeats --- See FirstRowSeats
- TrimInfo.Time
- Date (table)
- Year (numeric)
- Month (numeric)
- Date (table)
- TrimInfo.TyreDetails
- Front (table) -- All values numeric
- MaxInside
- MaxOutside
- Offset
- Outside
- OverallDiameter
- Profile
- ProfileCalc
- Rim
- Width
- Rear -- Same as above
- Front (table) -- All values numeric
- TrimInfo.TyreType
- Name
- TyreType_CrossPly_Name
- TyreType_Radial_Name
- LongGrip (numeric)
- TransvGrip (numeric)
- Name
- TrimInfo.Tyres
- Name
- TyreType_Offroad_Name
- TyreType_AllTerrain_Name
- TyreType_Utility_Name
- TyreType_LongHardRoad_Name
- TyreType_MedComp_Name
- TyreType_SportComp_Name
- TyreType_SemiSlick_Name
- BaseFrictionWidth (numeric)
- Friction (numeric)
- RollingPenalty (numeric)
- SidewallStiffness (numeric)
- Name