
From Automation Game Wiki

CarCalculator:GetFrontTyreParameters() returns a table of tyre parameters used in the various simulations.

Table Values:

  • u_xf (numeric) --- Longitudinal Tire friction coefficient in driving direction
  • u_yf (numeric) --- Lateral Tire friction Coefficient for cornering
  • b_xf (numeric) --- Longitudinal Tyre model parameter, shapes grip vs. slip curve, higher = better
  • c_xf (numeric) --- Longitudinal Tyre model parameter, shapes grip vs. slip curve
  • b_yf (numeric) --- Lateral Tyre model parameter, shapes grip vs. slip curve, higher = better
  • c_yf (numeric) --- Lateral Tyre model parameter, shapes grip vs. slip curve
  • e_zf (numeric) --- "Grip as a function of load"-behaviour, lower = better (deprecated)
  • J_f (numeric) [kgm^2] --- Inertia of a single tyre
  • r_f (numeric) [m] --- Tyre radius [m]
  • u_r (numeric)
  • c_Tf (numeric) [N/m] --- Radial Tyre Stiffness
  • OptimalWidth (numeric) [mm]
  • OptimalWidthForHard (numeric) [mm]
  • LoadCap (numeric) [N]